Meryl Varadinov

Meryl Varadinov

Junior Web Developer

Personal Profile

Former cognitive neuroscience researcher turned Web Developer from Sofia, Bulgaria.

Key Skills

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Umbraco
  • C#
  • Visual Studio
  • Git & GitHub

Work Experience

Front-End Developer at Dynamo Software

January 2019 — Present

Key Skills: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ExtJS

Web Developer at Selected Media

March 2016 — Dec 2018

Key Skills: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Umbraco, C#

Research Assistant at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

October 2014 — March 2015

Key Programming Skills: Presentation® (stimulus delivery and experimental control program for neuroscience), MATLAB® (computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numerical computation)

Trainee at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

September 2013 — August 2014

Key Programming Skills: Automatic Analysis (aa), MATLAB®, Linux terminal

Honorary Researcher at Central and Eastern European Center for Cognitive Science

October 2010 — February 2011

Key Programming Skills: E-Prime® (stimulus presentation software used in Psychology research)


Skillcrush - Web Developer Blueprint

June 2015 - August 2015

HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Ruby, Git/Github, Command Line

Radboud University Nijmegen - Nijmegen, The Netherlands - Research Master in Cognitive Science

September 2012 — August 2014

Grade point average: 7.54 (Best possible grade: 10; Thesis: 8.5)

New Bulgarian University - Sofia, Bulgaria - Bachelor of Science in Psychology

September 2005 — May 2009

Grade point average: 5.77 (Best possible grade: 6; Thesis: 6)